Not sure which spine condition you might have? Find out with our 2-minute Condition Checker.


Do you have a spinal condition that’s causing you chronic pain intense enough to interfere with your life or day-to-day activities? Are you afraid you’ll never be able to get your pain under control or that it might continue to worsen as you age? 


Many people with spinal disorders feel frustrated, confused, and helpless about their conditions. As many as 500,000 people suffer from some form of spinal injury each year. The good news is that you can ease your concerns and fears by gaining a better understanding of your condition. 


At NJ Spine and Orthopedic, we work to help you understand your symptoms, diagnose your condition and inform you of the various treatments. Below is an overview of the most common types of spine conditions, as well as other orthopedic conditions.

How Your Diet Affects Back Pain and Sleep

If you are constantly experiencing back pain and fatigue, you may be surprised to hear that your diet might play a significant role in your symptoms. Maintaining a healthy diet is essential to living a healthy life. If you indulge in unhealthy foods frequently, your body may be trying to warn you through your back pain symptoms! Not getting enough sleep throughout the night because of back pain and a lack of sleep hygiene can contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle. What Is Back Pain? Back pain is a term that refers to pain felt in the back. The pain may be localized to one area, or it may be widespread. Back pain can be caused by multiple factors, including muscle strain, arthritis, herniated discs, and even a poor diet. The symptoms will vary depending on the cause. Some common symptoms include: Pain in the back that may radiate to other areas of the body Stiffness in the back Fatigue Numbness or tingling in the extremities Sudden onset of pain Depending on the cause of your back pain, you may only experience flare-ups. If you’ve had injuries or are diagnosed with chronic back pain, your doctor may recommend frequent therapy sessions to alleviate your symptoms. However, a poor diet can cause elevated inflammation levels in your body, and changing your diet can ease your discomfort. How Your Diet Affects Inflammation Levels When you eat unhealthy foods, your body cannot process the food properly.  This can lead to inflammation in the body. Inflammation is the body’s natural response that helps protect it from harm. However, if inflammation is constantly activated, it can lead to health problems such as back pain. Some common foods that contribute to inflammation include: Sugar Trans fats Processed foods Refined carbs Alcohol Caffeine If you are experiencing back pain, it is important to eliminate these foods from your diet and replace them with healthy alternatives. Eating a balanced diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains can help to reduce inflammation levels and reduce your discomfort. It is also essential to drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and worsen back pain symptoms. Foods That Reduce Back Pain If you want to reduce back pain, you may be able to do so by changing up your diet and adding certain foods to your meals. These back pain and inflammation reducers include the following foods: Kale Spinach Broccoli Walnuts Almonds Brazil nuts Pecans Avocado Chicken Turkey Cocoa powder and chocolate Beans and other legumes A doctor may be able to recommend additional foods you can implement into your diet if you wish to reduce back pain. Many of these items have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the pain receptor response in any areas where you experience discomfort. How Weight Can Impact Your Back Pain While most individuals have a healthy weight range, there can be some benefit to shedding the pounds if you reach a certain point. Excess weight


Can Laser Spine Surgery Fix Your Back Pain?

Laser surgery sounds appealing because it generally means lower recovery time and less pain. However, laser surgery is not effective for every back condition. Before deciding which treatment best addresses your back condition, it’s essential to consult an experienced spine specialist. They will have an in-depth understanding of traditional, minimally invasive, and laser spine surgery. After closely reviewing your condition, they can determine whether laser spine surgery is the treatment course to follow. Understanding Laser Spine Surgery Laser spine surgery is performed without making a large incision. Instead, laser spine surgery involves a small incision. The laser device can heat, vaporize, and coagulate soft tissue structures that may be compressing nerves. Spine surgeons have the precision to remove soft tissue structures, including herniated discs and scar tissue. Laser spine surgery sounds appealing because it’s not as invasive as traditional surgery. However, it cannot treat every spine condition. The doctor must be able to pinpoint the precise root location of the pain before they can address the issue using laser spine surgery. Some conditions that may be treated with laser spine surgery include: Spinal cord tumors Pinched nerves Herniated discs Spinal stenosis Sciatica These are a few conditions in which laser spine surgery might be the best treatment plan. However, determining the best treatment plan for back pain is not always straightforward. While laser surgery can be used for these conditions and many others, it does not guarantee laser spine surgery is right for your condition. A spine surgeon who understands traditional, minimally invasive, and laser surgery can determine the best route for your back pain. Benefits of Laser Spine Surgery Laser spine surgery is a less invasive procedure that has many benefits. Apart from lower recovery time and less pain, additional benefits include: Less risk of infection Shorter hospital time Less anesthesia and radiation exposure Less scarring Less postoperative pain Reduced blood loss during surgery With laser back surgery, there’s no need to cut through muscle, bone, and other tissues. Instead, a doctor can make one or two small incisions near the affected area of the spine. Your healthcare provider may advise spine surgery if your back pain has not been resolved with at-home treatments and over-the-counter medication. Whether they recommend laser spine surgery will depend on the root cause of your back pain and the best treatment plan for you. Who is Eligible for Laser Spine Surgery? Many individuals may be eligible patients for laser spine surgery, including those with chronic pain, someone who has tried other medical solutions, and anyone who wants solutions that will work. While not everyone will be eligible for laser spine surgery treatments, many people will be. To determine if you are eligible, we recommend you speak with your doctor for their opinion and an assessment. You can also work with a surgeon from NJ Spine & Orthopedic to assess your situation and whether you could benefit from laser spine surgery. Our team can help you determine your other options and if we can


Tips to Avoid Back Pain While Wrapping Gifts

If you’ve ever had a sore back after spending hours wrapping Christmas or birthday presents, you are not alone. Many people find themselves sore and stiff for days after sitting hunched on the floor while gift wrapping. Poor posture combined with repetitive, straining, arm motions to cut paper and tape can leave your shoulders, neck, and spine tired and aching. How to Sidestep Back Pain When Wrapping Gifts this Holiday Season Back pain while wrapping can be avoidable. Break the cycle of holiday pain by checking out our tips below. Get off the Floor It can be second nature to lay out all your gifts and supplies on the floor before getting to work on wrapping. However, wrapping on the floor leads to poor posture, throwing your spine out of alignment. Instead, sit at a waist-height table in a supportive chair. Doing this will ensure you use your arms rather than your back to wrap, easing the strain on your muscles and joints. Plan Several Wrapping Sessions Many of us stay up late the night before a holiday or special occasion, spending hours wrapping each gift to perfection. Hours of repetitive motions can lead to increased strain on your back and arms. Instead, plan to have multiple, smaller wrapping sessions to decrease the likelihood of back pain. One tip to avoid marathon wrapping sessions is to wrap gifts as you purchase them. Doing this can help break up the task and avoid stress on your joints and muscles. Take Frequent Breaks If you start to feel your muscles cramp as you wrap in your neck, back, or shoulders, it is essential to take a break to avoid further strain. Get up from your wrapping station, grab a glass of water, and do some simple stretches. Toe-touches and arm raises are perfect for loosening tight muscles. It may even be helpful to pace yourself by doing some light stretches after every gift. Simplify Your Wrapping If you are overwhelmed with many gifts, and a long wrapping session seems inevitable, it may benefit you and your back to simplify your wrapping strategy. Not every gift needs to be wrapped with paper and ribbons. Gift bags with pretty tissue paper can look just as festive under your tree. If you don’t like the idea of gift bags, try putting irregular-shaped gifts into boxes before you wrap them. Doing this will help the wrapping process go quicker and easier and has the added benefit of ensuring every gift is wrapped to perfection. Talk to a Skilled Spine Specialist to Alleviate Pain Caused by Gift-Wrapping Every person is different, and some may be more prone to back pain while gift-wrapping than others. If you find yourself in pain after wrapping presents, it may be helpful to consult a spine doctor. Our doctors at NJ Spine & Orthopedic are dedicated to treating your symptoms and helping you get back to a pain-free life. Our medical team of neurosurgeons, neurologists, physicians, and orthopedic specialists have successfully performed



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