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Simple Surgeries to Alleviate Pain from Common Sports Injuries

Medically Reviewed by NJ Spine & Orthopedic on June 5, 2024
Sports or any physical activities are likely to cause injuries sometimes. Most sports injuries are minor and resolve in a few days on their own. Serious sports injuries can cause back and neck pain that never seems to fully resolve. Back pain from injuries can become a recurring issue unless the situation is addressed.

Common Sports Injuries

Sports injuries to the back and neck that are most common can be divided into three categories. Lower back injuries usually result from twisting motions, like a golf swing. Lifting or bearing weight during competition can also cause a lower back injury, as can the repetitive impact of running, especially on a hard surface.

Neck injuries from sports occur most often when you exceed your natural range of motion. There is usually some sort of contact involved in a sports neck injury, like in football or an unintended collision during some other sport.

Sports injuries to the upper back are less common because this portion of the back that is attached to the ribs does not move much. It is also supported by the ribs and other structures around the thoracic cavity. It is possible to strain the small muscles between the ribs or fracture a rib, especially in contact sports.

Negative Impacts and Pain Due to Sports Injuries

A sports injury can cause back pain at the time of the injury primarily due to inflammation. The spinal cord runs through the middle of the spine, and everything fits in rather well. When the muscles start to swell because of the injury, nerves can be pinched as the small free spaces are closed up.

Back injuries can cause instability in the spine as well. A cracked or chipped vertebrae or a disc that is moved out of place or damaged will not function properly in the spinal structure. Instability in the spine can lead to further damage and future pain. When the vertebrae or discs can move out of place, there is the potential for them to put pressure on nerves, and that is where the pain comes from.

The pain from a broken vertebra resting on a nerve may resolve in time, but the problem can recur under the right conditions. Back pain from injuries can become intermittent and then chronic.

How Minimally Invasive Treatments and Surgeries Can Help

Back pain from sports injuries can often be relieved with a minimally invasive procedure. Most sports injuries result in a slipped or ruptured disc in the lumbar or cervical spine. Some involve a broken vertebra and instability in the spine.

These types of injuries can cause chronic pain. When the inflammation from the initial injury subsides, there may be some relief. Any time the disc or vertebrae move around again, though, the pain can recur. Without repair, this type of injury can be a source of chronic pain and limited mobility.

Your Treatment Options After Receiving Sports Injuries

If you receive any kind of injury while participating in sports, you may have several options for treatment. However, your treatment options will also vary immensely depending on the severity of the injuries and the level of pain you are experiencing. The following are potential treatment options you may want to consider:

  • Resting or limiting activity involving the injured area
  • Icing at regular intervals throughout the day
  • Compression with an elastic bandage
  • Elevation
  • Immobilization with a sling, splint, brace, or cast
  • Surgery

We strongly recommend you work with your doctor or another medical professional if you have any serious injuries. Your doctor will be able to assess the situation, refer you to any specialists, and recommend treatment plans based on your lifestyle and needs. We do not recommend handling your injuries without assistance from a medical professional, especially if you are experiencing something severe.

Recover Quickly With Help From NJ Spine & Orthopedic Surgeons

Many sports-related back injuries can be repaired with little downtime. Back surgery is no longer the only alternative to chronic back pain. There are many procedures that can be done to repair injured discs and vertebrae without a long hospital stay and months of rehab.

Contact NJ Spine & Orthopedic to learn more about treatment options for sports back and neck injuries. You can get in touch with us by calling (866) 553-0612 or completing the contact form on our website, whichever is most accessible and convenient to you.


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