Lifestyle Changes to Support Neck Health Before and After Surgery

Medically Reviewed by NJ Spine & Orthopedic on May 6, 2024

If you suffer from chronic neck pain, your doctor may recommend surgery to relieve your symptoms. Some patients need surgery to treat degenerated discs or herniated discs in their cervical spine. During the weeks prior to surgery, you can make specific lifestyle changes to better prepare for the procedure. If you want to be in the best possible condition for a successful surgery and easy recovery, you should implement a healthy diet, exercise before and after surgery, and begin physical therapy.

Making simple adjustments to your lifestyle can help you strengthen your immune system before surgery and speed up your recovery after the procedure. If you believe that surgery could improve your neck pain and overall quality of life, you should consult with an experienced medical professional. At NJ Spine & Orthopedic, our outstanding team of surgeons, physicians, and medical staff are ready to help you with your neck pain.

Lifestyle Changes to Implement Before Neck Surgery

Many patients do not go out of their way to make lifestyle changes before a surgery. Some patients may assume that a minimally invasive surgery is no big deal and does not require any preparation. However, the truth is that all surgeries can take a toll on your body, and you want to be able to fight off infection and recover quickly. In the weeks before your surgery, you can better prepare your body for the procedure by making the following lifestyle changes:

  • Eat a Healthier Diet: You should do everything in your power to strengthen your immune system prior to surgery. If your immune system is weak, you are susceptible to an infection. A healthy diet is key to boosting your immune system, and you should make an effort to eat fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, and lean meat.
  • Exercise: Exercise is important for anybody’s health, but it is especially important if you are about to undergo neck surgery. Exercising will strengthen your muscles, and stronger muscles will allow you to recover in a more timely manner.
  • Consume Vitamin D and Calcium: In the weeks leading up to your surgery, pay special attention to your vitamin D and calcium intake. These two elements can promote bone health and healing, which will benefit you after the surgery.

By making these simple adjustments to your lifestyle prior to surgery, you are putting your body in the best position for the procedure. 

Lifestyle Changes to Implement After Neck Surgery

In addition to surgery preparation, your post-surgery lifestyle will contribute to the speed of your recovery. There are many lifestyle changes that you can start after your procedure that can benefit your recovery and overall neck health, such as:

  • Low-Impact Activity: While many patients want to rest after an operation, the best way to speed up recovery is to stay active after surgery. A great way to do this is by engaging in low-impact activity, and some suggested activities include going for a walk, riding a bike, or swimming.
  • Avoid Heavy Lifting: When recovering from neck surgery, you should avoid lifting heavy objects, as you will strain your neck. While it is important to stay active after your procedure, you should not risk injuring yourself through heavy lifting.
  • Physical Therapy: Many doctors will recommend that you begin physical therapy after your neck surgery. While the timeline will depend on your specific condition and symptoms, many patients should consider starting physical therapy about two weeks after surgery. 

By making these lifestyle changes after your neck surgery, you will better your chances of a speedy and successful recovery. You should continue to prioritize your neck health even after your surgery to promote healing and maintain your increased quality of life.

Contact the Experts at NJ Spine & Orthopedic to Treat Your Neck Pain

If you suffer from pain and numbness caused by herniated or degenerated discs, you may benefit from surgery. You can practice specific lifestyle changes before and after your surgery to promote overall healing. Our talented doctors and surgeons are ready to create the best treatment plan for your neck pain to help you find relief.

At NJ Spine & Orthopedic, we regularly see patients with chronic neck pain, and we want to treat you. Our Concierge Team also makes the appointment scheduling process a breeze for you. Reach out to us through our contact form or by calling (866) 553-0612 today.

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