In a tragic turn of events during a local rugby league match in Queensland, Australia, 23-year-old Mikaela Lankowski suffers severe spinal injuries, leaving her at risk of permanent paralysis. The young athlete was part of a tense game between Dalby Diehards and Gatton Hawks when the injury occurred.
Lankowski was quickly transported to the hospital following the incident on the field. Initial medical attention was provided at Dalby Hospital before she was moved to Toowoomba Hospital and then to Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane. Medical examinations at the facility revealed a fractured spine, with breaks in three vertebrae.
As news of Lankowski’s condition spread, a fundraising campaign was launched to support her recovery journey. The initiative has garnered significant support, with contributions nearing the AU$10,000 (£5,263) goal. These funds are intended to alleviate the financial burdens of her upcoming surgeries and therapy sessions necessary for recovery.
The rugby community, along with Lankowski’s friends and family, have rallied in support, emphasizing her spirited nature and the love and dedication she has for the sport. Her team expressed hope and solidarity for her surgery and recovery, recognizing the challenging path ahead.
Source: The Mirror