Spinal Injuries Campaign Highlights the Gravity of Such Traumas

In a striking critique of the National Health Service’s (NHS) care for patients with spinal cord injuries, the Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) has urgently called for a parliamentary inquiry to address the neglect in bowel care management within healthcare settings. Highlighting instances of severe neglect, patients have reported being left in distressing conditions for extended periods, sometimes culminating in them lying in their own waste due to a lack of specialized care.

The shortcomings in bowel care for spinal cord injury patients were highlighted during a parliamentary roundtable discussion, which saw over 30 attendees including MPs, NHS representatives, and members of the spinal cord injury community come together to discuss improvements in patient care.

At this junction, the Spinal Injuries Association has initiated their campaign titled “This is #SeriousSh1t”, advocating for all healthcare providers in the NHS to adopt and implement a comprehensive bowel care policy. The campaign contends that adequate bowel care for those living with spinal cord injuries is not merely a medical necessity, but a fundamental human right.

The SIA is actively pushing for action through a Parliamentary Select Committee Inquiry. The aim is to secure a uniform level of care, a national bowel care policy, and to ensure all healthcare staff are properly trained to tend to the needs

Source: The Canary


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