Veteran Suffers Injuries in Washington Memorial Day Skydiving Incident

Spine Injury

A spine injury from a skydiving accident on Memorial Day has left a local man in recovery after a series of intensive medical treatments. The man, identified as Tim Smith, suffered this injury after making a hard landing during a skydiving demo jump that involved carrying an American flag.

It was at Smith’s final descent that complications arose. He lost his hold on a steering mechanism, known as the left toggle, which made his landing uneven and forceful due to the absence of wind to cushion his fall. Compounding the issue was the additional weight of a 15-pound sandbag and the flag, which became detached at the critical moment of landing.

The rough landing resulted in significant injuries for Smith. He sustained what is known as a burst fracture in his T-12 vertebrae, a condition involving serious spinal column damage. Accompanying this was a spinal column hematoma, a sprained thumb, and a bone fragment that led to complications along his spinal column.

The incident provoked introspection from Smith regarding the prioritization of completing the mission against personal safety concerns, particularly during demonstration jumps in urban settings.

After the injury, Smith underwent surgery on May 28 to address the damage sustained from the landing. He has since been discharged and is recuperating at home, navigating the long road to recovery.



For immediate assistance, please call 855.586.2615
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