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Do you have spinal or foraminal stenosis? Herniated discs, bulging discs and facet hypertrophy are common causes and side effects of stenosis, which require further treatment.
Most doctors treat these spinal cord and disc-related issues with a laminectomy, but here at NJSO, we’ve developed our own smarter and more advanced minimally invasive solution called a laminoforaminotomy.
A new technique called a laminoforaminotomy was created by NJSO’s world-renowned surgeon and industry expert, Dr. Scott Katzman. He creates a very tiny hole to work through and fix the stenosis. Through a hole the size of a dime or nickel (and with the aid of a long narrow tube) our surgeons can perform a laminectomy and foraminotomy.
Most spinal conditions are now treated using minimally invasive techniques such as laminoforaminotomy because they minimize damage to the surrounding tissues and allow for quicker recovery and less pain. Laser spine surgery is often branded as non-invasive and risk-free. However, the truth is that laser spine surgeries often require incisions that can result in life-threatening complications.
Firstly, laser spine surgery has never been closely studied to determine its effectiveness. Advocates of laser spine surgery often make bold promises of instant relief from pain with laser spine surgery. What is often not said is that laser spine surgery requires incisions to access the affected area in order to perform surgery. After an incision is made, a laser is used to remove the tissues, ligaments and bones covering the spine. The nerves are then freed from pressure and compression using small equipment.
The laser actually plays a very minor role in this procedure. This is the main reason why laser spine surgery has been outdated. Qualified neurosurgeons will never recommend laser surgery because it has no clear documented benefits.
On the flipside, there are many well-established studies proving the effectiveness of modern spine surgery techniques such as minimally invasive procedures. Laminoforaminotomy is one such technique. Pioneered by NJSO’s Dr. Katzman, laminoforaminotomy has a 98% success rate in treating a wide range of spinal disorders.
Think that your spinal condition may require a laminoforaminotomy? Try our Treatment Finder below to learn more.
Discover which treatment options are right for you with our Treatment Finder.
This new technique developed at NJ Spine and Orthopedic accomplishes pain relief without cutting muscle, so there is less soreness and less blood loss — usually none. Since less muscle is cut, there is minimal pain allowing the surgery to be performed as an outpatient procedure.
These procedures are done through a small incision, under one inch in size, in which doctors go around muscles and surround tissue instead of cutting through them. This technique allows our patients to go home the very same day.
Same day surgeries mean no hospital stay, which means less chance for infections, reduced overall cost and fewer problems. A laminoforaminotomy is one of the newest techniques for treatment of spinal stenosis. When done with a high-powered microscope and an experienced surgeon, this procedure represents the ultimate state-of-the-art technology to safely fix your spinal problem.
If you suffer from pain, weakness or numbness that radiates into the extremities or have difficulty standing, sitting or walking for long periods of time, our skilled team of spine surgeons can help you achieve relief.
Our doctors are highly skilled at both laminectomy and foraminotomy and combine the two procedures into one, quick treatment session. Patients receive a quick, outpatient experience without having to undergo multiple surgeries, resulting in a reduced recovery period.
Schedule your free MRI evaluation with one of our experienced spine surgeons today, who will personally walk you through your situation assessment over the phone.
Have our surgeons perform a Free MRI Review.
Ready for an end to pain, numbness and tingling? When conservative treatments have failed, a minimally invasive laminoforaminotomy may be your next best option.
The powerful microscope improves the safety of the procedure by adding excellent clarity for the spine surgeon. It is exceedingly rare to have accidental neurologic injury when there is no blood loss and the doctor can see everything with 10X magnification. The end result is no pain, no numbness, no tingling and no cramping.
Plus, patients are able to return normal activities very soon. You no longer have to wait a full year to feel better.
See if you qualify for a laminoforaminotomy by trying our free Candidacy Verification tool below before talking with someone at NJSO.
Determine your eligibility with our Candidacy Verification.
Phone: 855.586.2615
Current Clients: 855.706.1011
NJ Spine and Orthopedic is dedicated to delivering minimally invasive laser spine surgeries to eliminate the pain, discomfort, and dysfunction of numerous conditions of the neck and back.
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